Sian Acu

Curi tulang a bit from work to write this. LOL jk. Just got a bit (a handful actually) of time to spare and I just have to HAVE to document this in the form of writing (or in this case, blogpost).

So last week after work, I went out to have a nice dinner in Subang with my family sans Ayah. As we had parked our car, I was carrying my lil’ niece, Hana (Ehem, I don’t usually carry her because my goodness is she heavy but that night was an exception hehe just needed to get the bond and chemistry going) and in the distance, I saw the LRT train was passing by and we all know how kids are very intrigued about all these weird-looking, moving things, therefore I happily pointed the train to show it to Hana. Here’s a very funny conversation I had with her:

Me: Hana, Acu hari-hari naik train pergi work.

Hana: Acu naik sorang-sorang je? (read: ye. Hana has this habit of saying “je” at the end of each of her sentence)

Me: Ha ah. Acu naik sorang-sorang.

Hana: Sian Acu.

Guys, her “Sian Acu” was uttered in a very concerned, and loving tone and manner. My heart is definitely not made of rocks and it’s certainly not that difficult to make me sway (Are you taking down the notes? Some useful tips about me ehem :P) but her response had some odd feel to it, as if it was a magic or some sort, and I believe that I had developed a different kind of emotion. It was more than love. Sigh. It’s a given that my heart would melt right in that instance.

It’s amazing how Hana is only 5 years old and yet she has so much compassion in her, even if she doesn’t truly understand the whole concept of it. But, in truth, empathy and compassion shouldn’t be understood. It should be felt right through our words and actions. And Hana did exactly that. MashaAllah. Kids are so pure and innocent.

Truly there’s no love like this and I have no one but Allah swt to thank for for lending me both my anak buah in this life because they have truly coloured my rather dull, shabby, and black and white life for the past few years. Alhamdulillah.

Hana Aisyah and yours truly. This was taken during the recent Raya Haji in front of Tok's kampung hehe.

And let's ignore my second brother's non-existent photography skills lah yeah? 


  1. Melttttttttt. Kids are so transparent and unafraid to wear their hearts on their sleeves kan, no ego to hide their emotions, no pretence about not caring. You gotta preserve Hana's purity!

    1. Heheh kan they're like a blank canvas!! AND Yessss. Which is why I'm so worried especially since kids from her generation are slightly different than us. They're smarter than we think.


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