He had His reasons

Saw this sijil and it immediately brought me back to earth.

I remember feeling restless at the camp. My heart thumped unusually and I broke out into profuse sweat. Could be because it was my first time being away from home. Away from my family. Signs of homesickness I presumed. A new feeling.

But the next thing I knew, life took its own course the following week. And everything just fell into place and gave meaning to my restlessness.

I lost the one person who had Paradise beneath her feet. My Mimi.

This certificate, it exists not as a form of nostalgia nor a form of sentimentalism. It exists to remind me that in a span of short period of time, anything could happen or be taken away from me, granted that they are actually lent to me. But of course, everything that happens has already been written, Maktub.

Every shape or form that we possess in this life are not ours. Even our own selves. Eventually, everything belongs to Allah swt and it's only fair if He decides to take our temporary possessions back when the time comes. After all, we are only borrowing them.

"From Him we belong. To Him we shall return"

During Yasmin Mogahed's talk here in Malaysia last weekend, she shared with us that when we are afflicted with darkness (anxiety, depression, lost of loved ones, financial problems, etc), the most powerful tool to get through this is to husnuzon billah, to have good opinion on Allah swt and know that Allah swt is doing what is best for us.

MashaAllah. Allah swt is just full of Mercy. He is Al-Wadud, the Loving, for a reason.

Back in the day, I accepted my affliction with open heart. Though I failed to see the hikmah behind it. But I was a young 11 year old girl after all. My limited knowledge at that particular time wasn't suffice to enable me to understand the situation.

But He had His reasons. He always have :)


  1. 1. Yay you're back with a new blogpost! :D
    2. Thanks so much for this post, didn't even realise I needed this reminder. Al Fatihah to your Mimi, may Allah make her among the inhabitants of jannah.
    3. Your new blog layout looks amaaazing! Love itttttt

    1. I could've sworn I've already replied to your comment but it's missing!! Hahah anyways,

      1) YESSS HEHE I try to update consistently (be it once a month, or heck even once a year for all I care LOL!) because I really do not want to completely abandon my blog. I want to keep it alive, no matter how rarely I update it.

      2) Ahhh your doa for her truly warms my heart. Thank you so much, Sheera :)

      3) I love my layout too! It looks clean and more organized BUT the only thing that bugs me is that it doesn't come with a "older/newer" button at the end of each of my blog post. Which could be annoying for some, ESPECIALLY FOR ME, because it doesn't give me the freedom to go to my older/newer posts. SIGH.


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