The taste of betrayal

So I went for a short, but fun and definitely (not so) relaxing weekend weekday getaway with my The Blow team in KL a few days ago!

If you had been keeping tabs with me a few months back, you'd know that my team and I took home first place for WP Hotel's Ramadan Buffet ad campaign - in which we had to basically pitch an idea and propose them the best and suitable media to circulate the said campaign. Alhamdulillah! Apparently, the hotel loved our idea and promised us a room or two for one night and a Ramadan buffet voucher for each and one of us at the hotel.

However, we hadn't heard from them after the pitch session, not even a single phone call or text, nothing. Gosh if WP Hotel was a person, and a guy, and I somehow have a crush on him, I would've instantly un-admired him for making me wait, albeit having my heart crushed for a mere false hope. No one has the time in the world for this!! Smh.

Anyway, Ramadan came and went just like that. Right after our finals in July, Mia and Ash decided to contact the hotel to claim our prize because sayang sangat if we didn't do anything about it. And Alhamdulillah, the hotel booked us not one, not two, but THREE rooms for a night and we were allowed to pick whichever date that we wish to check in! I guess this is what is meant when they say patience is virtue.

And a few days ago right after Raya Aidiladha, there we were at the hotel, reunited after a month and a half of not seeing each other, taking countless of photos and at every angle there was by (and in) the pool on the rooftop, and immersed ourselves in each other's stories of our rather dull semester break.

There was supposed to be seven of us (in our team) but unfortunately Ibek and Syira couldn't make it - Ibek is still in Sabah and will only arrive here during the weekend, while Syira had an interview to attend to the next morning. Such a shame they had to miss this!

 Yours truly. Hihi.

In my natural habitat - doing what I do best.

My roommate for the night! At 3am, after we had showered and were ready for bed, Ina and I sort of had a heart to heart talk. Yknow, the kind of personal talk that you share with someone you're really, really comfortable with. Anyway, I was really sleepy and exhausted that I almost couldn't keep my eyes open but I thought it would be rude to tell her that I needed my beauty sleep. Gosh am I the best of friend or what? :p Hence, I legit just tahan my mata from shutting and listened to her dilemma and even in the sleepiest of condition, I tried my best to offer her my advise hahahaha. 

There isn't much to share really and the only decent ones are from the night we hung out for a bit (before we went out for dinner) on the rooftop to see how the view is during the night and all I could say is it was SPECTACULAR *twinkle emoji* GAHHH wish I could relive and rewind every second of those magical moments!!! So glad I brought Ronnie along because at least I could still relive them through photographs and that I'm able to share the amazing-ness that is the view on my blog (and of course wajibul ghunnah on my Twitter and Instagram jugak hihi).

Mia - knew her as Yana's roommate during Diploma in Lendu dulu. But that was it. Our conversations never went beyond "Hello" and "Goodbye". And then Degree happened and we became classmates and even became groupmates when an assignment required us to work in groups. And today, she is one of my best friends that I could count on hehe. 

Ash - I don't have that much guy friends. Eh wait, lemme rephrase that, I don't have that much guy best friends. Sure, I have several guys in my class (tak kisah, sekolah rendah/menengah, diploma/degree) and I would consider them as friends, but never best friends unless they're one whom I am comfortable to have conversations with. If you're reading this Debu, jangan bangga sangat. 

Ina - Makcik segala makcik. Lol jokes :p But really, there was a time when I slept over rumah sewa dia, and my goodness dia punya bebel tu kalah makcik makcik hahaha. But that's what makes her special. And she can cook, guys!!!!! Now that's a plus! Sedap gila. Lagi lagi sup daging dia Ya Allah meleleh ayaq liuq as I type this.

Sahara - was our senior in diploma dulu but now she's a classmate of mine hehe. Sahara is probably one of the kindest person I know. Like really, if we were to find something wrong in a person and we ask her how she feels about the said person, she would normally say "I okay je dengan dia" or "I neutral je". True story. Also sometimes I tend to forget that she's actually two years older than me, which makes her 25 y/o now but despite her age, she's actually someone that you want to take care of, yknow? Every time I'm with her, I'll always ask her if she's okay. That's how fragile she is haha. But that doesn't necessarily mean she's weak. No. She's just different. And precious.


 Alright. While everyone else has nice pictures of them. I wanted one too. Hence, I nervously handed my camera to the person who was nearest to me, putting my utmost trust to the person holding the camera. I gave the best pose that I could give and not the usual awkward-stand-in-front-of-the-camera-and-wear-the-hugest-smile-I-could-ever-wear pose. That was such a huge step up for me!!

You're doing amazing, sweetie was what I thought to myself while posing for the camera. 

And once it was done, I literally sprinted to the person who took my photo, while I was nervous to look at the outcome to the point that I was profusely sweating, for the most part, I was excited. 

But once I saw the LCD screen, as I stood still, my vision started to blur, and in that moment, I swear I heard my heart break. It was a merciless kill, but only without blood involved. 

I can't. After pouring my heart and soul into taking photos for them, this is how they repay me?! Did he really have to BETRAY me like that?! Yes, I'm looking at you, Ash *sides eye*

Therefore why I always hand my phone to my friends instead of Ronnie. I cannot trust Ronnie with them, ever. Unless they bring me a diploma in photography certificate, then I would reconsider but until then, not a slightest chance *folds arms*

That night, we had dinner at Tapak. And then we decided to watch It for a midnight movie. Movie was at 11.45pm and we walked back to the hotel from Quill City mall at 2.30 in the morning. If Ayah knew this he would've freaked out. 

The next morning, had breakfast dekat its restaurant downstairs. Tak dapat makan free Ramadan buffet, free breakfast buffet will do haha. 

Checked out by noon. Hung out with them for a bit for the rest of the evening and then we parted ways at LRT Pasar Seni station - Ina took MRT, Ash was heading towards KL Sentral, Sahara to Taman Melawati, while I headed for Shah Alam. It was such an emotional goodbye, not knowing when we would meet again since we're no longer going to classes. 

Eeee why does everything have to have an end?!


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