Advertising Festival Awards 2016

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This was truly a night to remember (but it has already been a little over a month or so, so my daya peringatan is kinda weak right now so.. 😂 but I'll try) and it'll be such a shame and waste if I don't blog about it, albeit late. Apart from taking photos prior and during the event, I didn't contribute much tbh but just the fact that I was a part of it - a part of those who made AFA possible - I'm already contented enough to be given such an opportunity. Alhamdulillah. And props definitely goes to my lecturer, Madam Nadiah, for advising us and obviously my hardworking and enthusiastic classmates who wanted nothing more but a smooth and successful event. Let us all give them a standing ovation hehe. 

It took us nearly three months for preparations and stuff and boy it was not an easy journey, really. I can't remember the number of times we switched the theme and had our posters amended because of different opinions and views, etc etc. Well, judging by the photos I squeezed in along in this post, obviously AFA 2016's theme was fixed to "Superhero". Ya, don't cringe! Haha. When we first broke the news, literally everyone was skeptical about the theme because they were wondering if they really /need/ to dress according to it.. *sides eyes* Anywho, *ok nak riak sikit hehe* our superhero-themed event garnered a lot of attention from both lecturers and students alike. Even those from other sequences (PR, Journalism, Publishing, Broadcasting, etc) puji-ed us for our creative design for buntings/posters/banners and even said they would like to attend to the event like how cool is that?! Ke kita orang je yang syok sendiri? LOL I hope not haha.

What worried us the most about the event is if we didn't live up to people's expectation. We were afraid if AFA would turn out to be a flop because the amount of interests and expectations that people had on us was indeed overwhelming. Amboi. But Alhamdulillah, we got nothing but praises from those who attended! Although there was a slight problem but hey, nobody's perfect, therefore, event pun cannot really be 100% perfect jugak am I rite?!? Hehe. Ok la end of coretan I'll let the photos I took speak for themselves (dengan bantuan caption yang tertera di bawah gambar) :D 

Wondergrapher, my Superhero name guys!!! Haha.

(l-r) Finaz, Yasmin, and Mia

Ash and Yasmin holding our table decorations. Those were handmade ok idk how but Lily's hand is magic.

Lily! She was responsible for decorations etc.

Lily. Again. Doing her magic haha.

Wan and Qila. Meddling with the PA system. Lol jk hehe.

Fika, Akak Logistics. When you're responsible for any logistics-related work but kerja dah habis, therefore, the Decoration Team could use some extra help! Hehe.

Basically how it looks like inside the venue.

Wawa and Dahlia, helping out the Makanan Team lol.

Yasmin, the Floor Manager.

I think he goes by the name Amie? Correct me if I'm wrong. Tak kenal but I see some of my KK friends know him.. We invited him over to be our DJ though.

Our bunting looking mighty fine hehe.

Qyla bringing out her inner Yuna hehe.

Our lecturers! Dr. Ira and yang sebelah tak kenal.. smh.

The outcome of Lily's magic.

Yours truly :p Dua camera bcs one is too mainstream haha susah gila nak juggle between two cameras ok brr tak perlu angkat dumbbell guys lepas habis event I terus ada guns dkt lengan I ok.

Kawaii pulak dia. Nama dia sukar nak disebut so panggil Ady je ok!

Madam Nadiah, Amin, and Yasmin. Seriousnya muka guys.

We also had Darth Vader as our mascot. This thingamajig comes along with the costume.

Miss Mim omey ile in her outfit. One of our lecturers juga.

Sir Hamz looking busy upon his arrival.

Lily in her Little Red Riding Hood outfit I suppose?

Sir Hamzani.

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SOBS. It makes me happy when people appreciate the photos that I took of them :'(

Sir Hamz and our seniors.

Amin, our Project Manager.

Prof. Azizul, Our Dean Faculty.

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During the Perasmian! Thank you Mek for making that poly(?) of Prof. Azizul possible! :)

I hate that this picture is slightly out of focus :(

Credit goes to kawan Wan for taking this picture, again terlupa nama lol but he assisted me in taking photos hehe.

A few horrible shots during the perasmian huhu it all happened really quick like woo time calm down :(

Our first performer!

Yasmin delivering the pizza.

Ash, our Floor Manager AND performer of the night haha.

One of the performers too, Baby!

The trophies for the awards *heart eyes*

On his way to grab 'em trophies lol tak ingat menang under what category haha.

Look at 'em happy faces menang award haha hard work truly pays off guys.

Managed to find ourselves a saxophonist and a classical guitarist. We were going for the jazz genre btw.

Our part 5 seniors came as ninja turtles rofl.

Miss Mim looking gojez huhu.

That Advertising t-shirt though haha #pride

Guy's name is Fenner. Or at least that's what they call him? Didn't know of his existence before but I now get why everyone's talking about him haha.

***After Party*** ahahaha

***Interview sessions***

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In retrospect, the event went exactly like how we wanted it to be and I have come to a decision that I'm not fit to be a reporter I mean what sort of a journalist forgets people's names and what awards did they win etc? SMH.


  1. Yay I'm so happy I woke up today to find a new post from you hehehe. Love ALL the photos!!!! How come your photos look so good indoors??? Mine always shaky a bit, and then I naikkan ISO and then jadi grainy.... Can I know what settings you use?
    And your captions are so funny. Nama dia sukar disebut so panggil Ady hahahahah I haven't heard the word sukar in the longest time so I find it amusing 😂

  2. Hehehehe aw thank you! I know kan! I hate shooting indoors jugak but luck was most prolly on my side that night �� Also the A+ lighting might have contributed it as well so.. Hehe but for indoor/night shootings I normally set my ISO setting to 1600 and as for the speed it depends on how cerah or gelap the condition is like if it's too bright i'll set the speed to 100-200? If if's too dim then I'll slow down the shutter speed like bawah 100 maybe?

    Ahahahaha those captions are unintentional but you could say that I learned it from the very best (you) ������ Thanks senpai, your student definitely benefited a lot from reading your blog hahahaha and girl wish I had that much enthusiasm and effort to blog like you do omg i can already foresee that i'm not gonna blog in a while bcs penat pls hahahaha


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