Farah x Adib: Engagement

Gone were the days Farah and I played barbie dolls together, or pretended we were teachers or doctors. And whenever Farah slept over my place, we would go swimming at Matahari Clubhouse, and we brought along my pool float bed and we pretended it was a boat because we were in some sort of a War of the World situation hehe.

And then fast forward to two weeks ago, Farah got engaged to Adib... If that's not crazy then I don't know what is.

 I was definitely surprised when Ayah first broke the news to me a few months back. Pretty sure I wasn't the only one though. I mean, I know we're all bound to get hitched sooner or later because we're already at the age of it but I didn't expect it to be that soon haha. Okay lah I guess I'm just in denial that she got engaged before me because after all, I am *still* older than her - although just by a year je hahaha

Apa-apa pun Alhamdulillah. I couldn't be happier for her and I hope that their relationship continues sampai ke pelamin and from there sampai la ke Jannah hehe inshaAllah, if Allah wills it :)

Astaghfirullahalazim please ignore all the bantal(s) at the back hahaha

Makeup artist: Fai. Hehe

Maksu taking a good look at Farah

I was on the stairs, trying to take a good listen at the doa that was being recited downstairs. And then on the spur of the moment, I saw this and I knew I had to take a picture of it - which obviously made me divert from my initial intention huhu

A moment of silence for this photographer please haha


BONUS #1: Earlier that morning Paksu allowed me to use his 85mm and 50mm f/1.4 lens which I was so enamored of *heart eyes*

BONUS #2: Just two weeks before Farah's engagement, our cousin, Aiman got engaged to this beautiful lady hehe


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