Semester Break

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I had just recently sat for my last paper about a week + ago and since it was my final paper of my entire diploma, it was pretty emotional. Although there were times when I dreaded going back to Lendu, nevertheless, it was also a place that used to be my second home. I mean, to be surrounded with such loving people that give you nothing but sweet memories, how can you not treasure it?

Moving on. I had initially wrote this blog post yesterday and as I was putting together the photos I took back in May, something went wrong and I accidentally deleted THE WHOLE BLOG POST. Yes, the words, the pictures, all gone. The pictures, I don't worry so much because I can just re-upload it but the 350 words or so that I wrote were all deleted and before I could undo everything, my stupid blogger automatically saved the post which left me with an empty draft. What a soreeeeeee and it's now giving me a headache to scramble my thoughts on what I had written previously. And for someone who has a short-term memory, I give up re-writing what I initially wrote so I'm gonna just re-upload the photos. Sorry, guys :(

To put it short, these pictures were taken during my semester break in May.

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Serious business conversation over the phone with no one in particular on the other line.

Apparently the telephone is edible too.

Oh the telephone can be used as a prop for a photo shoot as well!

Weightlifting the magazine.

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I miss looking at sunsets :( Don't we all? The haze has gone from bad to worse but prayer circle it gets cleared soon. InshaAllah. We need clear air and skies again!


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