Behind The Scenes: Bebelan Wanita, Sebuah Dokumentari
I guess the highlight of my 5th semester was learning Broadcasting where I had the privilege to learn how to work on a video camera, I learnt who the people are behind every production team and what their job prospects are, I learnt how to write a Public Service Announcement script besides critiquing a movie, and I even did news casting. One of my assignments was to produce either a short film, a music video, or a documentary. Since my class was divided into three groups, we had to cabut undi and my group unfortunately (or fortunately?) got documentary, towards which we wanted to avoid so much because #1. it's boring, #2. it's based on facts, and #3. it's boring. But we comforted ourselves by saying that we don't have to worry about making sure the music is in sync with the video (like how the music video team has to), and how we don't have to think so hard on a story line (like how the short film team has to). Luck was most probably on our side hehe. The w...