Just 5 days left till I leave for college :( I'm so not ready for this. It's not that I'm not excited for it, I do. I've been waiting for this day to come since forever but a part of me feels like it's too soon. Of course I have rested enough but maybe I just needed a tiny bit more time to properly enjoy life before I get all busy with college. I was hoping I get to go on a vacation with my family but unfortunately, we didn't but that isn't something I should dwell on about because it's pretty understandable that my dad has been busy with his work and stuff. The only vacation that I've been to this year was when I went to Penang with a few of my best friends but that was like 10 months ago lol. Excuses, excuses, excuses. Maybe I'm just being a baby :( I honestly do not like the idea of living in a dorm that is two hours away from home and the fact that I'm gonna live there for another three years is just gruesome. Now I sound like a spoil...